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Get access to exclusive live channelings, classes, and Q&As, plus a variety of special events and extra content!

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Wide Range of Recorded and Live Video Classes 

70+ Channelings

Monthly Live Q&As

Sacred Ceremonies and Guided Meditations

Discover Our Guided Meditations

Choose the Guided Meditation that best suits you right now, from dealing with emotions to meeting ascended masters and spirit guides.

This channel is coming soon!

Looking for a Private Reading? 

Choose between the many different types of sessions we offer!

Write A Book With Us!

Join us live once a month as we channel the chapters of the book telling the story of Sarah, the daughter of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

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Monthly Events

We meet every last Saturday of the month.*

Connect with us on a Zoom webinar for one and a half hours of storytelling and Q&A!


Exclusive Access

You are part of the book!

Interact live and ask your questions as we channel the story of Sarah's life.


Early Access

Get the Full Book

At the end of the 13 chapters, you will receive the digital copy of the book, having joined 1 or the 13 live sessions!

*Date may change to best fit our schedule of the month.

Find us on Youtube

Check our Youtube channel for live events, channelings, meditations and many more free content!

17 Grounding Techniques

Duration 5:37

Grounding is a practice that assists in bringing us to the moment. In this video we share 17 techniques to help you ground your energy. 

17 Tips on How to Feel More Grounded
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Your Life Is Your Spiritual Journey

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Nurture Your Body & 
Honour Your Sleep

Eating nurturing foods, exercizing regularly, and pampering yourself are key elements to connecting with your body.

Improving your sleeping habits improves your wellbeing. Value it. 


Breathe Consciously & Meditate

Bringing your awareness to your breath and meditating are great practices to calm your body, reduce stress and anxiety, and help you to feel more present. 


Find Your Joy & Pleasure

Learning what brings you joy and pleasure enhances your mental and emotional health. Try to make at least one thing that brings you joy every day.


You Belong Here

Be your weird self.
It is by being and expressing your authentic self that you give the opportunity for people to find and know you. Let your light shine and your tribe will come.
You belong in this world and your presence here is important!

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"There is no strain in the path of God"

This is one of the most profound things Yeshua ever said to us. 

We can walk that path together.

It is our mission, passion and choice.

Thank you for all the Love that you are.

Let's Stay Connected

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